25 Mar COVID-19: Notice for employees
A notice for all Gray & Adams staff, from James & Peter Gray.
“As you are now aware, we closed all four Gray & Adams facilities yesterday and will not reopen until Tuesday 14th April 2020.
This decision was made to protect all our employees after further escalation of the COVID-19 situation and the strict new rules put in place by the UK Government on Monday (23rd March) evening.
The company, on this occasion, has decided that over this three week period we will pay our staff two weeks at standard contracts hours (39hrs) and one week’s holiday pay.
Further communications and updates will be sent to all staff e-mail addresses, posted here on our website and our Facebook page, and (where possible) sent by text.
We are all facing unprecedented times during this COVID-19 pandemic and there will be much uncertainty. However we are getting regular updates from the UK Government and advice which we must all follow to help protect the NHS and save lives.
Please all take care of yourselves and your families and stay safe.”
James and Peter Gray
Joint Managing Directors