Employment application form

    Position applied for


    Personal Details

    Are there any restrictions to your right to take up employment in the UK

    [group YesRestrictions]


    Driving Licence

    [group YesLicence]
    Which licence is it

    Any endorsements


    Do you have any unspent criminal convictions other than minor driving offences
    You are not obliged to include any spent convictions under section 4 (2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (should your role require you to drive please disclose any minor driving convictions)

    [group YesConvictions]


    Full Time & Further Education

    [group Education2]

    [group Education3]

    [group Education4]



    Employment History

    [group Employment2]

    [group Employment3]

    [group Employment4]



    Have you previously been employed by Gray & Adams Ltd


    Please provide two people who you are happy for us to contact to provide references – one of whom should be your present / most recent employer.

    Referee One

    Referee Two

    Data Protection Statement

    The information that you provide on this form and that obtained from other relevant sources will be used to process your application for employment, the personal information that you have given us will be used in a confidential manner to help us monitor our recruitment process.

    Upon my employment, I agree to familiarise myself promptly with all company rules and to abide by them. I understand that I am at risk of dismissal if it is established that I have given false information in this application form or at any stage of the recruitment process.

    I understand that that providing false or misleading information on this form may result in my application not being considered further or the Disciplinary Process being instigated. Please see full details of our GDPR policy on www.gray-adams.com